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  Recruitment Ban für Cathay Pacific

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Autor Thema:   Recruitment Ban für Cathay Pacific
Thomas Mildenberger
Experienced Board Captain
erstellt am: 08-14-2001 03:17 PM     Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Thomas Mildenberger an!     Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag! Reply w/Quote
Fellow professional pilots:

The International Federation of Allied Pilots Association (IFALPA) has placed a recruitment ban on Cathay Pacific Airways. If you would be so kind as to spare me a few minutes of your time, I would like to tell you a little about why that ban was put in place.

Between July 06 and July 12 of this year, Cathay Pacific "randomly" sacked 52 of its aircrew. Hong Kong law states that no reason is required to sack an individual if he is given sufficient notice or pay in lieu. I was one of those 52 and like the others received absolutely no notice. The "random" dismissals included 5 out of 20 Union committee members and 4 out of 7 negotiators. There was no link with flying capability, as all had fine training records. Three of the sacked pilot's spouses were pregnant. Most of the 52 have families and dependents to support. One pilot was receiving cancer treatment and another treatment for a serious heart condition at the time of his termination.

The dismissals were meant to send a strong signal to the union to back off from its negotiation requests and industrial action. Ironically, it has had the opposite effect. On July 09, 49 of the 52 pilots were fired, earning those in the entire group the title of "49ers". The press release on July 09 was arrogantly entitled "The way to end the pilot's dispute". Their objectives are not financial (reported profits for the year 2000 was $640 million USD), but rather to crush the pilot's union as they have done with every other union on company property. In the first two weeks of the dispute, the company had lost more money on charters and forward bookings than the entire value of the union's requests.

Some of the 49ers were called in the middle of the night and read a termination notice. Others were away and their surprised spouses received the termination letter by fax. One tried to enter the building only to find his employee card did not work. I found out with a DHL package in my mailbox and have not heard from the company since. However, they have advised the Hong Kong Tax Department that we were all leaving town on short notice (untrue of course) and we were all therefore presented with a bill for 1 1/2 years worth of income tax due in less than a week. I have yet to receive a dime from the company.

The dispute occurred due to repeated contract violations and pointless talks to resolve discrimination and unstable rostering. There are currently 32 different contracts for Cathay Pacific's 1500 pilots. B scale is the tip of the iceberg. If a pilot of Chinese heritage applies from overseas, he may be hired on a local package (worth approximately half of an overseas expatriate package), because he has inherited the right to work in Hong Kong from his parents. This is irrelevant of his experience level and whether or not he speaks a word of Chinese or has ever set foot in Hong Kong.

Rosters are almost comically unstable. It is not uncommon to be rostered for a short haul flight or a simulator, only to be hauled out after sign-on to perform a 5-day pattern of ultra long haul. The vast majority of flights do not go with the crew they were rostered for. It is impossible to predict where you will be on any given day of the month. One sacked pilot had only worked 2 rostered flights in the 4 months preceding his termination.

I, as with all the 49ers, am now working full time for the union. We do not consider ourselves "fallen", but instead, we consider ourselves "hostages" in an industrial confrontation. Accordingly, all Cathay Pacific pilots are now wearing yellow ribbons on their uniform to remind everyone of our predicament. Spouses, peers and friends have also attached a yellow ribbon to their chest to remind the public.

Although I devoted most of my free time to the union prior to this dispute (I was not credited for any union time by the company), all of the 49ers are now employees of the union, devoted to a fair contract and rehire. It is this union's policy not to sign any agreement not including full reinstatement of the 49ers.

IFALPA has instituted this band so that others do not come to Cathay Pacific to fill my position and the positions of the 51 others. It is important for your peers to realise that a pilot may attend an interview, but would be permanently "blackballed" by IFALPA for signing a contract or accepting any flying position with Cathay Pacific Airways until this dispute is resolved and the ban lifted. Please forward on this message to your fellow aviators.

Thank you for your time.

[Diese Nachricht wurde von Thomas Mildenberger am 08-14-2001 editiert.]

Experienced Board Captain
erstellt am: 08-22-2001 05:07 PM     Sehen Sie sich das Profil von CRJ an!     Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag! Reply w/Quote
Thomas - heftig heftig - gratuliere Dir zum IFALPA repres.

Viel Erfolg, weiterhin.

Experienced Board Captain
erstellt am: 09-05-2001 01:08 PM     Sehen Sie sich das Profil von markili an!     Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag! Reply w/Quote
Das Verhältnis zwischen Management und Piloten kann ungeahnte Tiefen erreichen! Wie bei LH, erzeugt Druck Gegendruck, und zwar durch Soldarität. Nicht so krass, aber ähnlich.

Experienced Board Captain
erstellt am: 06-12-2002 03:56 AM     Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Perter an!     Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag! Reply w/Quote

[Diese Nachricht wurde von Perter am 06-12-2002 editiert.]

Experienced Board Captain
erstellt am: 06-12-2002 04:17 AM     Sehen Sie sich das Profil von blimp an!     Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag! Reply w/Quote
Hallo Perter!
Wie du siehst ist markili`s posting
vom letzten September(und zwar vor dem 11.!)
und steht offensichtlich im Zusammenhang
mit dem vorangegangenen S.t**** bei LH.
Dort wurde über Jahre von der GL Druck aufgebaut der bei der Belegschaft
Solidarität erzeugte und sich irgendwann entlud...

Experienced Board Captain
erstellt am: 06-12-2002 05:45 PM     Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Perter an!     Editieren oder löschen Sie diesen Beitrag! Reply w/Quote
Sorry, hab ich wirklich im Enthusiasmus nicht schnell genug gerafft, daß es ein alter Link ist. Wollte auch eigentlich sofort wieder weglöschen, hat nicht richtig geklappt.
Aber, by the way, ich weiß sehr wohl, was damals bei LH ablief. Bloß das Wort Solidarität ist sehr empfindlich... Trotzdem Dank für den Hinweis.
Und nächstens: Augen auf, Perter!

... hm, dann halt so. wech und gut is.

[Diese Nachricht wurde von Perter am 06-12-2002 editiert.]

[Diese Nachricht wurde von Perter am 06-12-2002 editiert.]

[Diese Nachricht wurde von Perter am 02-27-2006 editiert.]

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